Our family has deep Southern roots and we’re proud of that fact! At RH Acres, we believe in Southern manners, we drive big trucks, we listen to country music, we hunt and fish, we respect our elders, and we always try to be helpful. However, while being raised Southern in the Myrtle Beach area we’ve learned to appreciate colorful characters from all corners of the world. Myrtle Beach is one of the only places in the South that you can run into so many different types of people in one day, from Northerners (aka Yankees) to European to Asian and Hispanic. Our area is truly unique, like RH Acres. At RH Acres we do our best to show Southern hospitality to our new friends by being as fair and honest with them as we would with our own Southern family. Since 2002, the main event at RH Acres has been The Rat Hole motorcycle rodeo and bar open only during the Spring and Fall Harley Davidson rallies. But RH Acres is not just for bike week anymore! During the rest of the year, the Weavers are ready to help you with your events, big or small. Contact us today to visit RH and let’s put your event in place!

We officially have set up RH Acres 4H to support our local youth on the Socastee High School Shotgun Team. RH Acres is also promoting the 4H Garden Project which is an awesome summer project for little ones.